Afghan special forces secretly airlifted to UK to form SAS-trained counter-terror units

Hundreds of crack Afghan special forces troops are being secretly airlifted back to the UK to form highly-trained counter-terror units.

The Mirror can reveal close to 100 of the commandos were evacuated to Britain over the weekend and will be mentored by the SAS and Paras.

Elite special forces troops from the Afghan National Army will work closely within UK special forces on future “clandestine operations.”

They are likely also to work closely with the Special Reconnaissance Regiment â€" the UK special forces close surveillance troops - in the UK and abroad.

Sources have told the Daily Mirror the commandos will be embedded with UK operators on future top secret missions inside Afghanistan.

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Members of the Afghan Special Forces keep a watch as others search houses in a village during a combat mission against Taliban, in Kandahar province Members of the Afghan Special Forces keep a watch as others search houses in a village during a combat mission against Taliban, in Kandahar province ( REUTERS)

It is believed some will also be plucked from gruelling special forces training to work closely with British intelligence agencies against terror networks.

A highly-placed source told the Daily Mirror: “Millions of pounds have been spent getting these Afghan troops up to a very high-standard.

“In the medium term and in years to come they will be absolutely invaluable to the UK in going on hazardous missions in Afghanistan.

“Not only do they know the ground better than anyone but they have been fighting terrorism in Afghanistan for many years.

“British forces did not want their skills to go to waste if and, more likely when, al-Qaeda, Islamic State and other networks grow in Afghanistan they will be very useful.

“One of the few good things to come out of this fiasco is that we will now have a highly-capable local force at our disposal to use against those networks.

“And after witnessing what is unfolding already under Taliban rule they are certainly not lacking in commitment and motivation.”

A soldier from the the UK Armed Forces fist-bumps a child evacuee in a rare moment of light relief at Kabul airport A soldier from the the UK Armed Forces fist-bumps a child evacuee in a rare moment of light relief at Kabul airport ( PA)

Sources said the Afghan commandos are also likely to be deployed inside the UK on counter-terror and deep undercover missions as they arise.

Today it was claimed a further nine mercy mission planes were ready to fly stricken Brits and Afghans back to the UK.

So far close to 6,000 have been returned to Britain.

It came as British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace revealed the race against time missions from Afghanistan to the UK may only have “hours” left rather than weeks â€" with thousands still stranded.

Mr Wallace warned on Monday that UK forces were unlikely to stay behind if the US pull out.

He said: “I don’t think there is any likelihood of staying on after the United States.

“If their timetable extends even by a day or two that will give us a day or more to evacuate people.

“Because we are really down to hours now, not weeks and we have to make sure we exploit every minute to get people out.”

Lt Cdr Alex Pelham Burns, part of the UK deployment, gives water to a little girl waiting in the blistering heat Lt Cdr Alex Pelham Burns, part of the UK deployment, gives water to a little girl waiting in the blistering heat ( COPYRIGHT UNKNOWN)

Adding to the pressure the Taliban leadership in Qatar today vowed the US will not be able to negotiate an extension to the evacuation deadline of August 31.

A spokesman for the network said that would cross their “red line” and “would provoke repercussions.”

But more pressure has piled on UK forces amid warnings Islamic State may be trying to infiltrate those evacuating â€" or attack crowds at the airport with suicide bombers.

One source told the Mirror: “Ironically the only thing that is standing between the British Paras and Islamic State bombers is the Taliban- and if this uneasy cooperation between the UK and new Kabul rulers comes unstuck all hell could let loose.”

Defence Minister James Heappey suggested there was an added urgency because of a security threat at the airport.

At the same time it is suspected Islamic State may be trying to get people through the crush and on flights to the UK.

Members of the UK Armed Forces leading evacuees past ZZ171 (nearest camera), an Royal Air Force Boeing C-17A Globemaster III, at Kabul airport. Members of the UK Armed Forces leading evacuees past ZZ171 (nearest camera), a Royal Air Force Boeing C-17A Globemaster III, at Kabul airport. ( PA)

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He said: “There are people right now in Kabul trying to get onto British flights that we have identified in our checks as being on the UK no fly list.

“So the checks that are being done are entirely necessary because there are people trying to take advantage of this process to get into the UK to cause us harm.

“Secondly, there is a real threat that our troops are facing and we have to therefore execute this as a military mission, at the same time as being as humane as possible.”

Sources told the Daily Mirror members of 2 Para are being guided by ex-airborne troops from the UK Parachute Regiment on where stricken Afghan colleagues are.

The Paras are then bringing the ex-translators and helpers who worked with UK forces for years back to the airport in hazardous missions.

It is believed the vast network of UK Royal Marines, past and present, is also working tirelessly to locate and help Afghan former colleagues, along with other service units.

A UK soldier carries a child at Kabul Airport A UK soldier carries a child at Kabul Airport ( COPYRIGHT UNKNOWN)

And all other British forces social media networks are also pitching in, identifying the location of stranded Afghans and passing them on to troops on the ground in Kabul.

A senior serving officer told the Mirror: “An awful lot is going on behind the scenes to get people out â€" troops have kept in touch with many Afghan colleagues who served alongside them.

“We are doing all we can to help those with whom we formed bonds to give them the support they need.”

At Kabul today there were reports of a firefight between unknown gunmen and US and German troops.

It is suspected a sniper had opened fire at them from outside the airport, sparking fears of an eruption of violence between Taliban and coalition troops.

U.S. and German forces were involved in the clash, Germany’s military said.

Children beaten at checkpoints as Afghan government staff ordered to pledge allegiance mirror Taliban threatens 'there will be consequences' if troops don't leave Afghanistan in time mirror

Three wounded Afghan guards were being treated at a field hospital in the airport.

Chaos continued to blight the evacuation effort and one British man stranded in Kabul has told the Mirror how the Taliban bludgeoned him with AK-47 rifle butts.

UK passport holder Zaitullah Tarakhel, from Preston, said he was attacked when Taliban gunman realised he was a UK national.

Mr Tarakhel, who had returned to Afghanistan to see family when he was caught up in the turmoil, said about 40 other British nationals are stranded with him near a hotel next to the airport.

He said: “The British consulate advised me to head to the hotel where officials would help me get out.

“But when I left my hiding place I was stopped by a Taliban patrol.

“When they saw my passport they hit me on the head with their AK-47s but I was still able to make my way to the hotel. They let me go.

“I am very frightened.”

Tonight, Mr Tarakhel was still waiting outside the Baron hotel with up to 40 other UK passport holders who had also been told to head there by the British consulate.

Thousands of Afghans and foreigners have thronged the airport for days, hoping to catch a flight out after Taliban fighters captured Kabul on Aug. 15.

Twenty people have been killed in the chaos at the airport, most in shootings and stampedes in the heat and dust, penned in by concrete blast walls.

British and American troops have tried to find an alternative rescue point to the airport but quickly realised time was running out.

Days ago commanders of 82nd Airborne set out a daring plan to para-drop 2,000 troops into now abandoned Bagram airport, quickly secure it and re-establish it as a flight hub.

But that plan was cancelled by US Central Command because of the risks of defending such a large space.

UK's Afghanistan evacuation 'down to hours not weeks' as hopes of extension look bleak mirror Inside daring SAS operation to save special forces troops from under the nose of Taliban mirror

To the north of Kabul in the Panjshir Valley it is believed a rebel force led by anti-Taliban commander Ahmad Massoud has attacked Taliban forces, who have taken casualties.

Massoud is son of “The Lion of Panjshir” of the same name, who led the Northern Alliance against the Taliban 20 years ago and who was murdered by the al-Qaeda days before 9-11.

His forces of rebels, including many ex-Afghan Army soldiers, are defending their mountain redoubt 100 miles north of Kabul and have already killed close to 100 Taliban.

There are 170,000 residents in Panjshir, who UK-educated Massoud has pledged to defend.

There was further embarrassment for US forces after pictures emerged of large numbers of US military vehicles being transported into Pakistan.

The Humvees and other armoured cars seized from the Afghan Army by the Taliban are destined for Quetta, home of many Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders.

It is suspected the Taliban seized so many billions of pounds worth of military hardware in their dramatic coup that they are exporting it.

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