LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Life is a fatal condition
Why all the panic over the delta variant of COVID-19? Why new mask mandates and no common sense? Are we supposed to get hospitalizations and deaths to zero?
Everyone wants to rely on science. So whhy not do a probability statistical analysis of being hospitalized and dying from the delta variant? Take all the science, then factor in age, health, weight and vaccination status. Keep it simple.
The scientific data on the delta variant with the factors in a person’s profile will provide resulting probabilities of hospitalizations and deaths for each. Each person would then have the probability for himself/herself of being hospitalized or dying for this Covid19 Delta variant. Hypothetically, your probability of being hospitalized with the delta variant might be 0.001%, or 1 in 100,000, and your probability of death might be 0.0001%, or 1 in 1 million. The probability of being in a car accident or being struck by lightening is reported as 1 in 15,300, or .007%, which is higher than your chances of hospitalization or death with the delat variant.
We should be able to make our own decisions based on science rather than just have mandates or order because politicians said so. Right now the fear is you could get hospitalized or you could die. Well, those are always possibilities.
Mills River, N.C.
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