Make way for more lockdowns

The Democrats and the socialists and communists and cultural Marxists masquerading as members of the Democratic Party, in collaboration with the globalists at the World Economic Forum and elsewhere, are rapidly pushing America into a second lockdown.

The prediction? By fall, by the month of October, schools in select spots will have started sending kids home for virtual learning. 

Forced vaccinations will be at about a 50-50 for places of work around the nation. They’ll still be billed as optional, but the conditions will be so onerous as to make the choice a non-choice.

Independent restaurants, small businesses, entrepreneurial establishments unaffiliated with big box chains will be shutting more doors, due to local health bureaucrat orders. Fantastic news for all the woke corporations out there, yes? Get rid of the competition; bring in the oligarchs.

And vaccine passports will be climbing in presence and popularity, as more and more people, desperate for that long-promised “return to normalcy,” snatch at this latest government dangle of freedom â€" which is actually the opposite, as it all leads to more political control, more surveillance, more centralized power. Want another prediction? By this time next year, all vaccine passports will be tied to technology because of widely publicized fakes â€" great job, media! â€" leading to government insistence on vaccine passport security. Let the real-time tracking of citizens go forth.

Watch. Watch and see. Watch and wait. So what to do?

First off, stop the denial.

Pretending as if the promise of a “return to normalcy” is a real thing is not helpful. Rather, it’s the problem. Those who think that by going along, the government will soon let all of society get along â€" well, that’s in large part why America is where America is right now. That’s why Lockdown Two looms, even though Lockdown One didn’t work â€" because too many Americans were too trusting of government, too frightened of a virus, too reliant on a field of medical bureaucrats to critically think, to think for self, to think for self and family, and then to insist on the right to act on that individual thinking.

The road to collectivism is wide.

The path of individualism is narrow. And it grows narrower each day it’s allowed into the national discourse that this coronavirus, this delta variant, this ongoing health and medical matter â€" is really about health. It’s not. 

It’s about government control.

It’s about pushing this country toward collectivism.

It’s about molding a new America â€" a brave new America that’s not so much land of the free as it is land of the once-free.

Step one to seize America from this cultural Marxist takeover is to stop denying this coronavirus truth: Power-hungry are exploiting the virus and fear for political gain.

Step two is to put the stop to Lockdown Two.

Step three is to vote out Democrats, all the Democrats, in fact, and vote in individualists and constitutionalists and those who speak of God-given rights and the role of public service, true and humble public service, in reverent tones of respect.

And step four is to confess, repent and pray for America. That’s the key; as a matter of fact, that’s the step one-through-eternity key. That’s the only way our country, founded as it were on Judeo-Christian principles, will stay free for the foreseeable future. America can’t have God-given rights without God.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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