Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda.Tue, 10 Aug 2021 07:15:41 +0000en-GB hourly 1 Uganda 3232DR IAN CLARKE:The disadvantages of discovering oil in African countries Tue, 10 Aug 2021 07:15:41 +0000 tale of several African countries, which are rich in oil, is salutary. Oil is not a curse, but the people of oil rich countries in Africa have generally not benefited much, while the wealth has gone to a small elite. In many cases the interactions between those in power with the big oil players such as Shell, BP, ELF and Occidental has given them access to inordinate wealth, but has fed corruption and allowed leaders to remain in power. Among the countries worst affected by the oil flows are Lybia, Nigeria, and Equatorial Guinea.

In the case of Libya, when Gadhafi overthrew King Idris most Libyans were in favour of the young army officer and the new Arab Republic. Unlike many other Presidents, Gadhafi did not have a cozy relationship with the oil companies, but forced them to increase oil prices year on year, causing the 1970s oil crisis with power shifting from the oil companies to the oil producers themselves. This garnered huge sums for Libya, which Gadhafi used to support various ‘revolutionary’ organizations throughout the world, including the IRA and the PLO. But he also used his wealth to settle old scores and ensure there was no domestic opposition to his regime. Opponents disappeared into one of his many prisons, where they were routinely tortured and many executed. The story of Libya is still unfolding, and one is not sure what will be the fate of the Libyan people, but the stories of the suffering of ordinary Libyans under Gadhafi is heartrending.

Nigeria was a different story. At independence the three main territories were mutually suspicious of each other, resulting in chaos among the political establishment. This led to a military takeover with civil war, coups, and counter-coups for many years. By the time Sany Abacha took power in 1994, the military rulers were treating oil as their personal possession, so millions of dollars of oil money were being used, not for the benefit of Nigeria, but for the benefit of whichever General happened to be in power. By the early nineties General Babangida had promised elections, but after a series of botched and cancelled elections he left the way open for his deputy Sany Abacha to take over. Abacha had little interest in the affairs of state. His routine was to head into town at 11 p.m. with his friend General Jerry Useni, where they would visit brothels and party till 5.00 a.m. The next day he might go to his office after midday, or just not turn up at all. In 1998 he was found dead in the Presidential palace, the presumed cause of his death being a heart attack. Perhaps he died a happy man, having been with three prostitutes and swallowed three Viagra. On the other hand, his hedonistic lifestyle likely contributed to his early demise at age 54. After his death, his wife tried to leave the country with 37 suitcases stuffed with dollars. Practically none of this oil wealth benefited the country and some of the exploration in the Ogoni Delta resulted in extreme pollution and the persecution of the people of Ogoniland.

Another country where oil has played a pivotal role in keeping the ruler in power until this day is Equatorial Guinea. This country is made up of a large island, Bioko Island, and a coastal mainland, Rio Muni, south of Cameroon. Equatorial Guinea was a Spanish colonial territory and has a small population. When the Spanish left and elections were held in 1968 the person who won â€" Macias â€" was already mentally unstable, and within months he was dangerously paranoid and had gone on a rampage of assassinations causing 30% of the population to flee the country. His nephew, Teodora Obiang Nguema, was part of the reign of terror, but after eleven years, when Machias began to kill members of his own family Obiang overthrew his uncle in a bloodless coup. At this time in 1979 Equatorial Guinea was still a dirt-poor country and Obiang had no resources, but his fortune changed with the discovery of offshore oil. Obiang had been part of a murderous regime, but the advent of oil sanitized his Presidency and he became ‘respectable’, even being received by President Obama in the Whitehouse. His son, whom he appointed vice-President, recently attracted attention by buying Michael Jackson’s glove for $275,000, prompting the British government to sanction him for misappropriation of millions of dollars. Meantime 70% of the population of Equatorial Guinea lives in poverty, even though this small country could be the Kuwait of Africa.

It is a sad commentary on how a few people in positions of power have continued to plunder Africa’s resources with the cooperation of powerful oil companies and banks, which have helped facilitate the process.

]]>Sheilah Gashumba: How I fell in love with a scammer Tue, 10 Aug 2021 07:02:08 +0000 personality Sheilah Gashumba, has been known for making controversial confessions in the past, but nothing compares to her most recent one.

She has without doubt been one of the most talked about personalities, thanks to her love escapades with rapper Fik Fameica, Marcus Ali alias God’s Plan, and most recently singer Rickman Manrick, punctuating her love hate relationship with the media.

Sheilah, on the other hand, has stunned the public with her recent loose talk, in which she disclosed that she began having romances when she was 17 years old.

“I have only had three relationships in my life. My first relationship with my first boyfriend lasted for six years. I dated him when I was 17,” Sheilah said.

While many of her social media “in-laws” have described her as a lady who quickly jumps from one man to another in the blink of an eye, Sheilah has stated that she dislikes breakups and that she usually fights for her relationships to the end.

The former NTV Da Beat presenter also delighted her fans by admitting that shortly after her breakup with God’s Plan, she dated a scammer.

She stated that she met a 25-year-old, attractive businessman who turned out to be a con artist and liar.

It all began when he proposed a business concept that she liked, and their professional connection evolved into romance.

On one specific day, she accompanied him to the Pearl of Africa hotel, where God’s Plan was also present with his new girlfriend. However, the man began sending love messages to other girls behind her back, much to her surprise.Sheilah stated that she was still in bed with the gentleman at Pearl of Africa and that she got several messages from her friends stating that God’s Plan had written negatively about her new catch.

According to Sheilah, the scammer was also married and had a wife in the United States, who subsequently threatened her to leave him alone or face the consequences.

]]>Comedienne Anne Kansiime unveils baby’s face through commercial advert Tue, 10 Aug 2021 06:45:04 +0000 Anne Kansiime and her fiancé Sylanta have been keeping the identity of their recently born baby a secret for reasons best known to them.

However, it appears that the wait is finally over.

The revelation of baby Sellasie Ataho’s face can only be attributed to business interests.

Kansiime is depicted on a poster with her husband and kid, cuddled together as one happy family in a new commercial for Mukwano goods.

We might not have been able to see the couple’s bundle of joy for months, if not years, if it hadn’t been for this business reason.

]]>MILLY B. BABALANDA: Demystifying and popularising service delivery Tue, 10 Aug 2021 06:28:28 +0000 Government, we always of talk of service delivery and the public always expects service delivery, but what exactly is “service delivery” and what does it involve in actual terms? In my tenure as minister, my focus is on demystifying service delivery and getting everyone to understand what it means and to actually love delivering service to the people. I also wish that the ordinary Ugandan appreciates his or her position in the service delivery framework.

According to the handbook on “Principles of Service Delivery in Uganda’s Local Governments” of 2013, a public service is a product delivered or activity that is carried out that meets the needs of a wide section of users. An effective public service is one based on an undertaking by the provider to understand needs of the users by providing information, products and advice are tailored to the specific needs of the users. The handbook defines service delivery as the relationship between policy makers, service providers, and consumers of those services, and which encompasses both services and their supporting systems.

Service delivery is the practical will of the concerned entity (government or organization or individual) to meet their part of an agreement. In simple terms and in relation to government, it is doing things for the people who entrust it with power. Government has a responsibility to serve the people by identifying their needs and problems and attending to them. The process involves implementing policy work plans and fulfilling manifesto pledges (in the case of NRM which has won the mandate of Ugandans to manage their affairs over and over).

Service delivery is a task but is also very rewarding. For government, when services are delivered, people are happy and they reciprocate by supporting government programmes or voting the government back in power. Good service delivery also bears development and general wellbeing. At individual level, persons involved in implementing service programmes stand out as great leaders and servants of the people, which comes along with rewards like popularity, promotions, and benefiting from the very services they provide.

NRM has good policy ideas guided by overhead political will to make service delivery in Uganda as efficient and satisfactory as possible. What is lacking is proper understanding by government workers of their human obligation and why they hold the offices they are appointed to. The thinking that people take jobs to earn a living is wrong and uninspiring. Every worker should be inspired by the desire to contribute and make a difference in society.

Remuneration and rewards come as a consequence of the service rendered.
I always hear of civil servants sometimes being enemies of service delivery on the pretext that they are, somehow, independent of the government. This I don’t understand.

The technical and political wings both belong in government and must work together to serve the public. It’s one Government!
Government’s focus is creating value for tax payer’s money; every coin spent should be seen on the ground, since every coin spent and which works on the ground is recouped when the population is satisfied, healthy, motivated and empowered to engage in productive initiatives. Citizens need basic resources to live meaningful lives. These include food, housing, water, security, sanitation and health and land. The next level of services has education, electricity, ICTs and so on. Next is good governance and full participation in decision making in the country’s affairs.

How are we performing on the front of service delivery? Formal assessments may differ from what the public or civil society perceives as reality but on my part, I expect us to serve the population without reservation. What should hold us back when we offered ourselves to take up these positions? Why should we fail to build roads, schools and hospitals when the people need them and resources have been allocated? To cheat the public of services when we know what to do and have the means to do it is the height of betrayal. I cannot afford seeing unfulfilled promises and being part of a process that does not solve problems of the common person.

That is why I call upon all those under my docket, not least Resident District Commissioners/Resident City Commissioners (RDCs/RCCs), to concentrate on instilling efficient service delivery in their jurisdictions. They should fully monitor and supervise their staff, while making them love to serve rather being pushed. Those who fail to match the minimum pace will find that they are left behind and everybody will shun them. The corrupt will not survive because corrupt people naturally are not good servants.

Government employs professionals who choose their careers well knowing what jobs they would serve in. If you are a teacher, teach well; if you are a road engineer, make good roads; if you are a doctor, treat people, if you are a CDO, do just that; and so on! There is nothing difficult here. Many wish they had those jobs but they don’t.

We still have a long way to go to achieve optimum results from our workforce. I will only count that we are getting value from that workforce when we have faster transformation across sectors and when service delivery is at a scale of, say, 70% on a mechanism which my office is developing in consultation with various stakeholders.

We are developing advanced input and output mechanisms of reporting; opening monitoring, supervision, evaluation and reporting channels and making the public part of the process through giving feedback and doing their part in production, paying tax, protecting government stores and assisting in the fight against corruption which is the chief enemy of service delivery.

My office has set up a call center for the public to report any issue on service delivery. The toll free number is: 0800320320. Let us make service delivery in Uganda the best possible.
The author is the Minister for the Presidency

]]>Tom Kaaya: City tycoon who gifted Range Rover Sport to Eddy Kenzo dies, family slapped with Shs450m hospital bill Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:10:43 +0000 businessman Tom Kaaya Kigonya has passed on.

Kaaya died on Monday from TMR Hospital in Naalya. He was the owner of Kaki Investments which operates a fleet of commuter taxis in Kampala.

Kaaya who also owned a number of fuel stations, has been a member of the popular Bagaaga Kwagalana Group.

At the time of his death, his medical bill had accumulated to over Shs450 million.

“We have a big bill. When we clear the current balance, we will have paid a total of more than Shs450m in hospital bills,” a family member said.

However, the cause of his death still remains scanty.

Kaaya is also remembered to have gifted a 2014 Range Rover Sport to singer Eddy Kenzo in 2016.

“I have known Kaki since my first day on this journey and he even paid for my first video and I also used his venue for the shoot,” Eddy Kenzo said of his relationship with the tycoon after receiving the gift.

May his Soul Rest In Peace.

]]>STEVEN MIGISHA: Ofwono Opondo diatribe against the Kabaka exposes his uncouth behavior Mon, 09 Aug 2021 18:15:38 +0000 some Ugandan bufundas where many Kampalans go either to run down the evening or wash a car, there is usually a wild cat that appears once some roast pork is served. The Baganda call it a Muyaayu. It sits a distance from the person who has just be served directly looking at the person’s eye waiting for some crumbs. If no crumbs are shared, it cries out to attract the attention.

The Muyaayu can sometimes be irritating to the eater but the Kafunda owner usually never chases it away because its presence chases away some rats even though it is too weak to hunt hence the need for crumbs.

The Muyaayu manifested itself in human life over the weekend in the name of panty thief Ofwono Opondo. To amuse his boss Yoseri Tibuhaburwa Museveni, the restaurant owner, it attacked the revered institution of the Kabaka in exchange for crumbs.

Opondo is famous for stealing underwears from Uchumi supermarket which has further endeared him to Yoseri as there is no other work to do beyond writing diatribes in the Sunday Vision whose sells are dwindling and on the road to extinction in a few years ahead. Which other organization apart from NRM cam employ an underwear thief?

The Muyaayu also appears on a few radio stations every week manifesting itself as the dictator’s lapdog. Again the Baganda call it Embwa Yokukyalo!

In its earlier days, the Muyaayu had a desk at New Vision but William Pike let it go given that many people were complaining about its behavior. Once Ofwono Opondo left the New Vision newsroom, all of sudden, other reporters’ mobile phones stopped disappearing mysteriously. Those who know him, know that he was responsible for disappearing the phones. Those who were with him at Makerere know him as a thief who sold other students’ clothing in Wandegeya and Katanga to buy cheap waragi and sleep with Katanga and Kivvulu women, one of whom he officially married.

Ofwono Opondo once stole a Fresian cow meant for villagers in Mukono where he lives on Kabaka’s land. Due to pressure, and without shame, he returned the cow to its rightful owners. Ofwono once shot a mobile phone thief dead with his children in the car around Kampala Parents. The crime of the mobile phone thief was to try to enter Ofwono’s territory. Ofwono controls the mobile phone and laptop theft in many parts of Kampala.

People in Tororo where he hails from say that the scars that form 90% of his face are results of beatings he used to receive for stealing cows. He is a thief who always gets caught.

Yoseri Museveni Kaguta knows Ofwono’s capabilities that is why he has left him with simply a responsibility of writing one clumsy article a week. Young people have joined Museveni and left Ofwono stuck like the Muyaayu on the floor of the restaurant. As the likes of Don Wanyama, Frank Tumwebaze, Maurice Mugisha, all babies when Ofwono was milling around the NRM Secretariat, are now CEOs and ministers, Ofwono the underwear thief remains Embwa ya Kukyalo for the dictator waiting to be thrown crumbs.

Even NRM thieves fear to associate with him hence his failure to land a ministry though he has tried all the time. But Ofwono knows that like the Muyaayu he is, nobody can fully embrace him. A man who steals an underwear will not bring any honour even among thieves.

His weekend misinformed diatribe is an attempt to get some crumbs to enable him get medical access for a long illness that eats him up. Without Museveni’s crumbs, he fears he would not be able to survive on his own.

]]>NUP needs Shs250m for legal fees to fight Lumbuye’s deportation Mon, 09 Aug 2021 15:33:35 +0000 National Unity Platform(NUP) needs $71,000 (over Shs250m) to cater for the legal fees of Turkey based Ugandan blogger Fred Lumbuye.

This has been revealed by Mityana Municipality MP Francis Zaake, one of the top leaders at the Kamwokya based political party.

In a Facebook live video on Monday, Zaake said the required amount is to be paid to Lumbuye’s lawyer in turkey who is working around the clock to block his deportation to Uganda.

The legislator also disclosed that so far $20,000 (over Shs70m) has been collected through fundraising by NUP supporters in Uganda and abroad.

Meanwhile, today, Uganda Police disclosed that Lumbuye was not in their custody.

While addressing the media, the force’s spokesperson Fred Enanga said that they however have 15 cases that they will bring against the controversial blogger once he is handed over to them.

“We don’t have Lumbuye but what we have are 15 case files against him. Don’t ask us if he is here or not because we don’t know but as soon as he is handed over to us we are ready, ” Enanga said.

“When he is handed over to us, we shall come out with the full statement. Whether he is in the country or not, as police once he is handed over to us we shall process him with the 15 file cases we have on him,” he added.

The prepared charges he said, include among others spreading harmful propaganda and terrorism videos, inciting violence and other cyber crimes.

Lumbuye was allegedly arrested last Wednesday in Turkey.

Following the development, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs Henry Okello Oryem, confirmed to journalists at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offices in Kampala last Friday that the plane transporting Lumbuye was expected to land the following day at Entebbe International Airport before he is charged with promoting sectarianism and instigating violence.

However, despite the Minister’s confirmation about Lumbuye’s deportation, the blogger is yet to be seen anywhere in Uganda.

Earlier today, NUP’s Spokesperson Joel Ssenyonyi put government on spot to account for the whereabouts of controversial blogger.

“Three days ago, Foreign Affairs State Minister Henry Okello Oryem at a press conference said that political activist Fred Lumbuye was on a flight to Uganda having been deported by Turkey, and that on arrival, Uganda police would hold him and produce him in court to answer certain charges which charges he didn’t mention. It’s been three days since Fred was expected in the country but he hasn’t surfaced anywhere. Now that Uganda government officials were aware of the trip and said they would hold him for questioning on return, they should account for his whereabouts,” Ssenyonyi who is also the Nakawa West legislator said in a Facebook post.

He also explained why NUP leaders and supporters have been speaking out loud demanding for Lumbuye’s freedom.

” Some people have wondered why our leaders and supporters have spoken out loudly about Lumbuye. As NUP, we’re duty bound to speak out whenever anyone’s rights are violated. We even demanded that the rights of Sipapa be respected when he was arrested and detained incommunicado for days, even when last year he fired bullets at the gate of NUP offices in Kamwokya and injured one of our guards.We shall not tire until the rights of all Ugandans are respected.”

]]>MICHAEL WOIRA: The Lumbuye ideology and how our opposition thinks Mon, 09 Aug 2021 13:34:16 +0000 are now in August and our elections were held in February and the swearing ceremony for the rightfully elected president was also concluded some few months ago. This means the election period was concluded and now is the time for the country to have the peace it requires and also is the time for the leaders we elected to do their work and stop the politicking.

Of course some leaders that got voted understand why they were voted for but some few have never understood why they were voted according to what we keep seeing on social media and on News. Without any fear of contradiction, I would openly want to say that many of the members of parliament in our opposition are just excited about joining parliament or their populism will never cease to be since many of them are still acting in the same way they did during campaigns.

All throughout the campaigns, there came some human beings who they always said were abroad but became daily commentators of the politics in the country and surprisingly many of our opposition leaders believed in these so called bloggers who could always give misleading information to many of the Ugandans who followed them. The information these bloggers used to give to their audiences was what is sometimes referred to as Propaganda.

Propaganda is no longer just an instrument for changing opinions. Now, in our digitally facilitated world, propaganda is a corridor to prompt participation in political conflicts from the safety and comfort of your living room chair. It is also, ironically, now a tool for immediately breaking connections between friends and relatives whose thoughts differ.

On many occasions, this kind of Propaganda by the opposition bloggers is intentional and it mainly relies on influence, specifically through the use of misleading information and its purpose is to support political goals and catch attention of those few people who are easily being misled by the statements and information from these bloggers and politicians in the opposition.

The Lumbuye ideology that many of the opposition supporters and leaders use mainly traffics in lies, misinformation, provocative language, and other negative communication to achieve an objective related to a cause, goal or political agenda of which can’t be easily achieved here in Uganda because the wise and straight thinking Ugandans differentiate between propaganda and the truth so they know where to find true information.

I have been looking at the trend of information dissemination from the time of elections but most of the information from THE National Unity Platform has been based on speculations and propaganda and even these senior leaders have always relied on social media for information that they keep propagating without getting facts. During elections, on many occasions during campaigns, the main page that was used by people power could announce at least two or three people as dead and they thought that doing that would enable them sympathy votes, Lumbuye their chief ideologist could also back them up by disseminating falsehoods and I am so sure this is the reason they miserably lost because no sane thinking Ugandan could allow to be under a government of deceitful leaders and propagandists.

Among the main actors and fake news disseminators was Segirinya but I forgave him for the falsehoods that he traded around, at some point he had to say that someone was pierced in the stomach and all the intestines were out. Maybe as usual he did this to capture attention of everyone so he is voted into power and now that he got what he wanted, he never does propaganda, and he is the only People Power Member of Parliament who is performing which is very okay.

The Lumbuye ideology technique that our opposition is using has been used to convince the public to think, speak, and act in a particular way simply because their leaders are also acting that way.

The public has always been invited by these people to jump on the Bandwagon and not be left behind or left out as the rest of society engages in what they perceive to be correct behavior.

But what I have observed in all this, since populist parties and politicians generally lack both internal party structures and discipline, and ideological reason they are prone to changes in their overall profile. Their radicalism might upsurge or decline not only during elections, but also while in office and this can be observed by how some of them have started acting games. Someone travelled on government money to go to some country but he announced himself to be in another country doing his political party business, that’s how far the populism card is being used by these opposition leaders of ours.

Right now the National Unity platform (NUP) has been stripped naked but because of its populism tendencies, it’s not ashamed at all, it has gone as far as considering the Lumbuye issue as a party issue and from the top leadership to the last person in the party, all their energies are on rescuing the person they claimed wasn’t belonging to their party, a person who announced one of the cultural leaders dead and a person who has not once or twice announced the President dead. Imagine a whole party considering Lumbuye as their communications person, this is laughable but anyway from the top leadership is where comedy starts.


]]>JOSEPH M. MUMBE : Is A Place of Worship Limited to Only Preaching? Mon, 09 Aug 2021 11:43:07 +0000 time, there has been friction between the state and religious bodies over what they should / shouldn’t do, Christians and Muslims alike. This can be traced back from the inception of Christianity to date.

The government has unceasingly blamed the Christian leaders for meddling into politics. On the other hand, these religious bodies have also accused the state for suppressing and wanting to dictate over what should be done. Isn’t it possible to find a level ground?

Why should the state recognize the roles of particularly the church only during hard times then in times of prosperity, the church is warned to stay on her lane? Surprisingly, most governments only see one role of the church-preaching and no other.

Should the church and the state be distinct or should they work in harmony? Picking a leaf from the Apostolic church, we see lots of control exerted over the church by the then ruling authority. They feared losing their authority to the proclaimed coming savior who was thought to be king. The church got perplexed asking who to listen to; the people or God? (Acts 4;17-19) but Christ categorically put it, “My kingdom is not of this world….” (John 1:36). The whole church/state problem stems from two issues: authority and the execution of that authority.

According to Oxford Dictionary, authority is the power or right to enforce obedience; moral or legal supremacy; the right to command or give an ultimate decision. While the church has spiritual authority vested in spiritual leaders, the state has civil or political authority vested in political leaders.

Mathematically, the LCM, or in sets concept, the intersecting elements between the two parties (church and the state) are authority and the subjects of that authority- the people.

The distinction is in the mode of administration. While the church administers authority through the Bible as the yardstick, the state does it through the Constitution for justice / equity. If God is the supreme moral giver, the best constitution should be an excerpt of the Holy book-the Bible.

Human beings are not only physical but also spiritual beings; from President to a common shamba boy. All human beings have spiritual affiliations with a vacuum that can only be filled by the creator. Whether you have religious affiliations or not, the fact that you’re God’s handiwork (Eph. 2:10), you’re a spiritual being. Therefore, church ministry must be to all because all were created by God in His image (Gen.1:26-27).

The Lord Jesus’ growth as a child and his early ministry demonstrates a lot for the church to have all aspects of life attended to. Physical, personal, economic and social (Mt. 25:35-40) very similar to what the state should offer to her citizens.

Precisely the duties of the church to community can be deduced from Christ’s ministry envisioned in Luke’s Gospel. “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” (Lk. 2:52) reminds us of four aspects of life that the church has focus on;
Growth in wisdom: Is the mental or cognitive development. Through teaching, we transform the society.

Teaching creates change and brings new mind set. Knowledge is got from learning and this the reason the Bible says people are lost due to lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6). Consider the first schools in this country built by the missionaries to reach the population and deal with ignorance levels. As they teach obedience to God’s law, corrupt governance should also be rebuked as long as they don’t promote justice, the rule of law and fear of God.
Growth in Stature: Is the physical aspect of life, the figure, physique or the buildup of the body. Christ as our model fed people (Lk. 9:15), healed the sick (John 5:58) for their welfare. A church that doesn’t meet the people’s needs forfeits her call. Unhealth bodies are a hazard to development. Churches not only do exorcism but also have to set up health facilities to medically treat sickness. Early missionaries pioneered it.

Growth in favor with God: Is the vertical relationship with the creator God, which is spiritual growth. As vehicles are taken to the garage to be fixed, spiritual fix is done in Churchâ€" all have sinned (Rom. 3:23) and are welcome to Church. Preaching to soul gives hope for destiny. Even enemies can sit in one church under one sermon, reconciled, with hope to meet the creator, supreme judge.

Growth in favor with men: highlights the horizontal relationship of man with man which is social life or responsibility. There is no prison in church for errant believers yet transformation affects the entire society. The Church guides and counsels for moral uprightness.

Christ fulfilled the citizenry responsibility by giving taxes to the authority. Believers are not canned in order to give tithes, offertories and other social responsibilities. The church takes the upper hand in teaching moral uprightness in society of decadence. Today the highest percentage of learning institutions in Uganda are not state run but church founded.

The church is a key stakeholder in the transformation of the society and a strong partner in development. Where the services of the church are halted, then ignorance covers population, moral decadence rises, poverty strikes, families break and hell opens wider.

In normal setting, the church is a one stop Centre for transformation and a public service Centre: many people have learned to behave in public, speak, and even had their talents kick started in church. Ask most singers where their talents began from if not in the churches.

It is not a sin for a spiritual leader to guide believers on who to vote since the purpose is to serve and transform the society, for new world view, obedience to state and above all to God. Old Testament kings enquired of God through priests and prophets and the latter would warn the former of impending judgment from God. (I Chronicles 10:14). Heed Church counsel. The church isn’t limited to preaching!
The author is a Theologian, Educator and Pastor

]]>Huawei Releases 2021 H1 Business Results Mon, 09 Aug 2021 10:51:05 +0000, Uganda: Huawei released its business results for the first half of 2021 today. Its overall performance was in line with forecast.

In H1, Huawei generated CNY320.4 billion in revenue, with its net profit margin reaching 9.8%.

  • Carrier business revenue: CNY136.9 billion
  • Enterprise business revenue: CNY42.9 billion
  • Consumer business revenue: CNY135.7 billion
  • “We’ve set our strategic goals for the next five years,” said Eric Xu, Huawei’s Rotating Chairman. “Our aim is to survive, and to do so sustainably. We’ll do this by creating practical value for our customers and partners. Despite a decline in revenue from our consumer business caused by external factors, we are confident that our carrier and enterprise businesses will continue to grow steadily.”

    Xu continued, “These have been challenging times, and all of our employees have been pushing forward with extraordinary determination and strength. I want to thank every single member of the Huawei team for their incredible effort. Going forward, we continue to believe deeply in the power of digital technology to provide fresh solutions to the problems the world is facing right now. We will keep on innovating to help build a low-carbon, intelligent world.”

    The financial data disclosed here are unaudited figures compiled in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards; exchange rate at the end of June 2021: US$1 = CNY6.4576 (source: external agencies)

    About Huawei

    Founded in 1987, Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. We have more than 197,000 employees, and we operate in more than 170 countries and regions, serving more than three billion people around the world.

    Our vision and mission is to bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world. To this end, we will drive ubiquitous connectivity and promote equal access to networks; bring cloud and artificial intelligence to all four corners of the earth to provide superior computing power where you need it, when you need it; build digital platforms to help all industries and organizations become more agile, efficient, and dynamic; redefine user experience with AI, making it more personalized for people in all aspects of their life, whether they’re at home, in the office, or on the go. For more information, please visit Huawei online at or follow us on:


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