Woman shows off Love Island crossover underboob look and proves it doesnt work unless youve got fake boobs

 ANYONE who’s caught a glimpse of the Love Island coverage this year will be aware that ‘underboob’ crossover tops are all the rage.

The super-sexy look has been popular with viewers, with online tweets about the show including, “Can we all agree that the true winner of Episode 1 of Love Island is underboob?”

Morgan tries out the underboob trend, despite her cleavage being larger than the Love Island stars'


Morgan tries out the underboob trend, despite her cleavage being larger than the Love Island stars’Credit: TikTok/@sniffmorgan

Yet when one Tiktokker by the name of Morgan decided to get in on the trend, it led to questionable results.

“I’ve seen a million and one girls recommend this,” the voluptuous video star revealed, “all of whom have fat tits!”

“So I did it, I bought one,” she explained, before displaying the results and screaming, “I CAN’T GO OUTSIDE IN THIS!”

She had been determined to pull off the same look as the reality stars â€" but with considerably more cleavage.

The end result left little to the imagination â€" but the Tiktokker wasn’t shy about showing it off â€" she even hashtagged her post with “#tiktokpleasedonttakethisdown”.

One viewer joked, “The fact that you recorded a video with it on shows that you trust that top more than I trust most people!”


Other concerned viewers asked the curvy wearer, who sports two-tone purple and brown hair, “Is your back okay?!”

The trend can be tricky for some, especially if carrying more cleavage than others.

Another woman empathised, “You can tell I’m the wrong side of 25 cause if I tried one of them underboob bikinis I’d look like a kilogram of potatoes spilling out the bottom of an Asda plastic bag!”

A second concluded that underboob bikinis and tops are “awful”.

Would you dare to bare, like this Tiktokker, or is the trend one to wait out?

The look Morgan had been going for


The look Morgan had been going forCredit: TikTok/@sniffmorgan

Meanwhile, this woman has the opposite problem, experiencing trolling for her ‘total lack of curves’.

In other Fabulous fashion news, this influencer challenges that style is all about simply having fun.

Plus one woman spent FIVE HOURS trying to get the Love Island look.

Love Island fans spot HUGE red flag between Faye and Teddy â€" but did you notice

This post first appeared on Thesun.co.uk


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