BACK TO SCHOOL Bolton parents send in their photographs of their cute kids in new school uniforms

THE anticipation is over for some children locally as they went back to school earlier this week.

We have had a few photographs submitted from proud parents of their children in their brand new uniforms - looking great - before they get covered in mud, pen, paint or even just damaged.

We are going to be putting more photos in the paper so post them on the link below and send in your photos of your little cherubs before they head to school to


First day at school in Bolton 2021

"Social media gets flooded with photos of your little loved ones just before they head back to school for a new year, so please send us photographs of your children in their new uniforms…before they get covered in mud, paint or whatever the lessons throw at them"

We asked for your responses - this is what you sent.

Laura Frain

Send us your photos of your child or children

Tell us the name of your kid or kids and where they go to school and where you are from
Savannah age 4 going to haslam Park primary school reception

Samantha Fielding

Send us your photos of your child or children

Tell us the name of your kid or kids and where they go to school and where you are from
Theo is starting reception at St Mary’s in Horwich, Bolton.

Gemma Lee

Send us your photos of your child or children

Tell us the name of your kid or kids and where they go to school and where you are from
Callum Lee aged 11 from Farnworth. First day at Kearsley Academy

Gemma Lee

Send us your photos of your child or children

Tell us the name of your kid or kids and where they go to school and where you are from
Callum Lee aged 11 from Farnworth. First day at Kearsley Academy

Emma Pickles

Send us your photos of your child or children

Tell us the name of your kid or kids and where they go to school and where you are from
Elliott Pickles goes to Hocus Pocus day nursery in Bolton

Tracy Higginson

Send us your photos of your child or children

Tell us the name of your kid or kids and where they go to school and where you are from
Madison and Charlie young from Horwich Chorley New Rd academy

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