Drivers branded selfish and irresponsible after parking on Farnworth footpath

DRIVERS who park multiple cars fully on a main road footpath ‘completely blocking’ the pavement have been branded ‘selfish and irresponsible’.

Pictures taken at around 7pm on Saturday, September 4 at Bradford Road in Farnworth, show at least five cars parked wholly on the footpath in a double yellow line restricted area.

Deborah Anne Melville, 48, was using a double-pram to push her seven-month-old twin grandchildren and also had her five-year-old child with her when confronted with the obstruction.

She said the area, close to the junction with Briarfield Road was ‘completely blocked’ to pedestrians and she was forced to turn back and cross the busy road to progress.

She said: “I was very annoyed because I had my grandkids in pram and I couldn’t pass.

“It’s a very busy and dangerous bend so I had to walk back down to cross the road and walk back up to cross again.

“It’s just selfish and irresponsible.”

Mrs Melville, who lives on the nearby Flower estate, said the obstruction was very dangerous for those with prams and pushchairs, people using wheelchairs or mobility vehicles and blind or visually impaired people.

After posting the images on Facebook, other users said the cars had caused more hazards.

Pauline Owen said: “It was crazy. It obstructed my view trying to get out from Briarfield Road onto Bradford Road.”

Helen Sunderland added: “They think parking on the pavement means they aren’t on a double yellow.

“But yes they could still be fined for blocking the pavement like that. Where’s a traffic warden when you need one.”

Cllr Sue Haworth, who represents Harper Green ward, said: “There are two wide pavements where Briarfield Road meets Bradford Road and in recent months there has been some car selling in this area where vehicles are left pavement parked with signs for sale and this has coincided with an increase in pavement parking too.
"I will check all the road markings as the road is so busy and the pulling up and parking is so frequent that road markings do fade faster here.

"Where pedestrians continue to be blocked from pavement use, councillors will discuss with residents the installation of hard posts.”

Police guidance on pavement parking states: “Parking a vehicle on the pavement could lead to an offence of obstruction being committed â€" this could result in a fixed penalty notice being issued to offending vehicles.

“This is because parking on the pavement can obstruct pedestrians and wheelchair users, forcing them to use the road to pass a parked vehicles.

“Waiting restrictions indicated by yellow lines apply to the road, pavements and verges.

“Therefore, it is still against the law to park on the pavement or verge by the side of yellow lines.

“It should also be noted that unless you are accessing your property via a lowered kerb driveway, it is an offence to drive on the pavement even for a short distance.”

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