Royal Bolton Hospital Support 500m bid for new super-centre

HOSPITAL chiefs are calling on the people of Bolton to support their dreams of a new £500m medical super-centre.

Royal Bolton Hospital's bid for a new modernised hospital facility is moving forward, with the government considering whether funding will be forthcoming.

The plans, by Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, are now relying in public support - with eight NHS major projects expected to be backed.

Government officials are now set to assess Bolton’s funding bid alongside other bids for hospitals across the country, with eight Trusts expected to be successful.

Fiona Noden, the trust's chief executive, said: “Supporting our bid will make a massive difference to how we meet the increasingly complex needs of our community and provide the level of care they require.

“While we do already provide safe and effective care from our current buildings, they need bringing up to modern standards.

“Narrow corridors, cramped spaces and open wards may have worked for the Victorians, but they are not best suited to life in the 21st century.

If successful, the project will house just under 200 beds. Phase one includes a new women, children’s and maternity services development, next to the site’s existing maternity unit, also incorporating a breastcare unit, chemotherapy and day case theatres.

Many of the current hospital buildings date back to 1861, evolving from an original infirmary and workhouse there.

Cllr Susan Baines, the borough's wellbeing cabinet member, said: "This is singularly one of the most important developments for Bolton and surrounding areas.

"This work is essential as the current facilities are not fit for purpose as many of the buildings were built in the Victorian era."

“This will be a massive boost to Bolton and the surrounding area.”

Bolton’s submission would be paid for by central government’s hospital improvement programme.

The new build is expected to be completed by late 2025 if the government gives approval.

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